Principles of IPSE
(Excerpts adapted from “Principles for Developing and Sustaining Post-Secondary Options for Students with Disabilities” by Dr. Patricia Nobbie)

The first principle is that These are inclusive programs
The students are in the campus mix, like any other student, choosing and going to the same classes like everyone else does, having access to the same social networks and events that other students have access to, based on their preferences and interests. They are not in a separate program, in a separate department or building, with different teachers. They are part of the student body, to every extent possible, and that includes having access to campus living.

The second principle is that this is an academic program
It is not a social program or a welfare program or a disability program.

The third principle is that the students are accommodated
College environments will be able to assist students to successfully navigate the academic environment with appropriate accommodations. These accommodations are legitimate and necessary, and must be designed to help students be seamlessly included and not separated from their peers. So developing the mentor role, training them and the students they support to use this accommodation successfully, and adequately compensating them for their time and contributions is a critical piece of post-secondary education for students with disabilities.

The fourth principle is that students will be Employed
The fourth principle is that the end goal for these students, like any college graduate, is for them to be EMPLOYED, creative, supported, individualized, competitive employment. Each program needs to support an Employment First principle, which means that employment is the FIRST option for support after college. Programs need to engage Vocational Rehabilitation and Campus career placement services in the employment of these students. Also, they should be employed ON CAMPUS, in a variety of jobs just like their peers who work.

The fifth principle is that students will be evaluated

Use these principles as the foundation and promotion of the project and assess each new proposal on each new campus against these principles.