The Leadership Award is presented to leaders who have worked tirelessly to advance inclusive post secondary education in Georgia. In 2022 a new award, the Distinguished Alumni Award, was created to honor the outstanding work of Georgia’s IPSE graduates.

Image of an award cup
Susanna Miller-Raines and Darien Todd pose with their GAIPSEC awards


Susanna Miller-Raines
Think College

Darien Todd
Georgia State University

Susanna received the Leadership Award for her innovation and leadership in inclusive post secondary education in Georgia. Darien Todd received the Distinguished Alumni Award for how he exemplified success after graduation and as a model for those who will come after him.


Dr. Daniel Crimmins
​Georgia State University

Award winner 2020 posing with the award


Representative Katie Dempsey
​(R-Rome) Georgia House District 13


Dr. Ibrahim Elsawy
Kennesaw State University

Dr. Karla Wade posing with the award


Dr. Karla Wade
Kennesaw State University & Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA)

Winner posing with the prize.


President Robert Boehmer
East Georgia State College


Sheryl Arno
Consultant & IPSE Advocate


President Daniel Papp
Kennesaw State University

Senator Jack Hill
​(R-Reidsville) Georgia Senate District 4

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